Ministries at Christ’s Church of Tucson

Shepherding Groups
Christ’s Church of Tucson currently has five Shepherding Groups which meet on various days and evenings throughout the month.  Shepherding Groups are small groups comprised of members/regular attendees of CCT who meet for the purpose of studying God’s Word, lifting up each other’s prayers and praises, encouraging one another and fellowshipping.  Through these groups, members form a special bond as they support each other spiritually as well as with other special needs.

Shepherding groups are similar to Bible studies in that they focus on the teaching of God’s Word.  They differ from Bible studies in that they focus on patiently building each other up through mutual encouragement, compassionate help, and admonishment (1 Thessalonians 5.14).  In order to accomplish the goals of a Shepherding Group, members are asked to make a strong commitment to their group.

Sainted Seniors
The Sainted Seniors Bible Study at Christ’s Church of Tucson is open to anyone 55 years of age and up. Through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer our study continues to provide opportunities for seniors to grow in their walk with the Lord.

As we meet on the first three Wednesday mornings of each month at 10:00 am (September – May), you can enjoy a time of in-depth study of God’s word. Our classes are developed to not only minister to the needs of the group, but to encourage discussion and participation on the topics presented in God’s Word.

Our Sainted Seniors Ministry continues to be a faithful and vital part of the life of Christ’s Church of Tucson. We would like to extend a special invitation to our seniors, their friends and family members to participate!

The Christ’s Church of Tucson Men’s Bible Study provides men with an additional opportunity to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). We meet September–May for one hour on the first three Wednesdays of the month at 5:30 am. Those who cannot meet at this time, meet for two hours on the first Saturday at 7:30 am. The goal of this study is threefold. First, to provide a greater understanding of God’s word and to draw out the theological and doctrinal truths found within His word (2 Timothy 2:15). Second, to grow in holiness (2 Peter 1:2–4). Third, to provide mutual encouragement that will stimulate godly living (Hebrews 10:24). This is accomplished through prepared instruction and mutual discussion. In the past, we have studied books of the Bible such as Romans and Deuteronomy. We have also studied books designed to help us better understand the Bible such as “Man, A Dwelling Place Of God” by A.W. Tozer and “Men Of The Word” edited by Nathan Busenitz. Currently, we are doing an in-depth study of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-48) along with D. Martin Lloyd-Jones’ “Studies in the Sermon on the Mount”.

Our annual Men’s Camp, usually held in September on Mt Lemmon, provides a more concentrated time of becoming mature in both the faith and the knowledge of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13) and in fellowship with other men.

Women of the Way (WOW) is a Women’s Bible Study.  We study the Word, we pray for one another, the older women encourage the younger women and we fellowship. We’re currently studying “With the Master On The Mount: A Study of the Sermon On The Mount” by Susan Heck.  We meet on the second Tuesday of the month during the months of September through May. 

For this year’s Christmas luncheon we had the privilege of having Maureen Balvanz as our guest speaker. Maureen, besides being a wife, mom, and grandma is also passionate about her walk with the Lord and investing in the lives of women through discipleship, counseling, encouragement and practical help. We have been blessed and encouraged that Maureen had the opportunity to come and share her passion with us in 2 sessions during our Christmas luncheon. You can view her 1st session below.

The Christ’s Church of Tucson Youth Bible study is a Bible study for middle school and high school students.  We meet every Thursday evening at 7:30 pm.  It is a verse by verse, in-depth study of the word of God.  A book of the Bible is selected, currently Philippians, and is studied from beginning to end.  The youth are taught the Scripture and challenged with thought provoking questions to bring about discussion within the group as we study the Bible together.  After the study, we spend time in prayer and then wrap up the evening with food and fellowship.

Children’s church occurs simultaneously with our regular 9:00 am Sunday worship.  We use the Generations of Grace curriculum to teach the children age-appropriate instruction in the Word of God.  Their experience includes prayer, singing, Bible instruction and crafts.