Leadership of Christ’s Church of Tucson

Christ’s Church of Tucson is governed by a Pastor and three lay Elders.

We believe in church membership because it strengthens the local church. It provides each member with the opportunity to identify with the doctrine and believers of Christ’s Church of Tucson. It also provides the opportunity to follow God’s leading in the use of time, resources and spiritual gifts to further God’s kingdom.

Dr. Dale Briggs

Pastor – Teacher

Dale was born in 1957 and raised in a Christian home. After high school he began to work full-time on the family farm in Michigan. He was married in December of 1979 to Katherine (Kathy).

Dale was 28 when, by the grace of God, he expressed true saving faith in the work and person of Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior. At the age of 30 he began to sense God leading him away from the farm into Christian ministry. Three years later, this leading resulted in Dale moving his family to California to attend The Master’s College.

After college graduation in 1994, Dale and his family went back to Michigan where Dale served as a youth pastor and periodically filled the pulpit. During this time, Dale began to sense God’s call to preach the word of God. He and the family moved back to California in 1995 and Dale began to attend The Master’s Seminary. Throughout his time in seminary, God solidified within Dale the call to preach.

He graduated the seminary in 1999 and a year later answered a call to pastor a church in Quincy, Illinois.

Dale has been the pastor of Christ’s Church of Tucson since August of 2007. In 2013, Dale received his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in expository preaching from The Master’s Seminary. Dale and Kathy enjoy hiking, taking long walks, going on extended road trips, and spending time with family. They have four children: Kristy, David (married to Amber with three sons, Monroe, Waylon and Clint), Heather Kvidahl (married to Cliff with two daughters, Paisley and   ), and Micah (married to Rachel).

Bill Buntin


Bill is a native Tucsonan and has been married to his wife Diana for 37 years. Bill was attending Pima College and Diana was a senior at Tucson High when they met while working in the shoe department at Montgomery Wards. They have two adult children, Jacob and Rachel. He enjoys the shooting sports, outdoor activities and spending time with the family.

Bill is employed by Barker Contracting, a Tucson construction company. Prior to Barker Contracting, Bill worked for the The Groundskeeper as the Tucson Construction Manager.

Bill surrendered his life to Christ at the age of 11 and was given the godly example by both his parents of faithfulness and commitment to the church whether in teaching or leadership.

Bill was a member of the Church Leadership Team in the church’s infancy, prior to the establishment and transition to Elder leadership, and is currently leading a Shepherding Group. In June of 2005, Bill was ordained as an Elder of Christ’s Church of Tucson.

Larry Perry


Larry was born and raised in upstate New York. In the early 1980’s, his position with the federal government transferred him from New York to Phoenix and then to Tucson.

Larry was raised in a Roman Catholic home and never felt a connection or personal relationship with God. The Lord, in His infinite mercy and grace, led Larry to Himself in 1999 after He spoke to him through powerful preaching, and Larry’s heart was immediately softened.

The Lord then used Larry to disciple his parents who later accepted the Lord as their personal savior at age 75. Soon after that, Larry was baptized by immersion with his wife and his parents at their Christian church in Florida.

Larry is married to Janine and has two adult daughters and one granddaughter. He has been a member of Christ’s Church of Tucson since 2003 and has been serving as an Elder since 2008. Larry is active in many ministries at Christ’s Church of Tucson, including preaching, teaching, leading the annual men’s camp, leading the praise team, as well as reaching out to those suffering physically and spiritually.

He truly has a servant’s heart and a great love and concern for the Christ’s Church of Tucson family. Larry’s outside interests include spending time with family, outdoor activities and traveling.