June 20, 2020
Dear Church Family,
On Thursday, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero issued a proclamation declaring a continuing emergency related to COVID-19 necessary for public safety and protection of life and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Below is section 3A of the proclamation:
A. EFFECTIVE ON JUNE 20, 2020 AT 6:00 A.M., and continuing thereafter until this Proclamation and its Orders are rescinded, terminated or modified, every person within the jurisdiction of the City of Tucson who is two (2) years of age or older is required to cover his or her nose and mouth with a Face Covering when in a Public Setting where continuous Physical Distancing is difficult or impossible. Adults accompanying minor children who are two (2) years of age or older shall use reasonableefforts to cause those children to wear Face Coverings when they are in a Public Setting. Businesses whose employees interact with the public must require employees to wear Face Coverings.
The complete document is posted online for your review.
1.Therefore we as the elders of CCT, in compliance with the Mayor’s request, are asking that you to wear a Face Covering (Mask) when you attend services, if you cannot accomplish continuous physical distancing of at least six (6) feet.
“Physical distancing” means keeping six (6) feet of distance between individual persons who are not of the same household.
2. If you feel sick or have children who are sick or if you are at risk due to medical conditions or a compromised immune system please stay at home and watch the sermon after it is posted on the internet.
3.Hand sanitizer will continue to be available at the front door to sanitize hands as people come in and as they go out of the building. Please wash your hands at least 20 seconds before leaving the restroom.
4.At this time, please forgo any handshaking and hugging.The nursery will remain closed until further notice.
5. The nursery will remain closed until further notice
6.The love box will continue to be in the back of the church for collection of offerings if you choose to do so. Or you can give your offerings online through the church website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the elders.
Thank you for keeping our church family safe!